Customer Story: Mikkel

Customer story!

This blog is about Mikkel, an ICD wearer with a passion for Jiu Jitsu.
We asked him a few questions.

Since when do you have an ICD?

I have had an ICD since 2020.

How did getting the device affect your life?

When i first got my device i thought it was the end of the world. I was 20 years old and suddenly there was all of these restrictions for me. My doctor actually gave me a pamphlet with all of the things i couldn’t do. Luckily my dad has always been a rock in my life, helping me to find other ways. So if this way doesn’t work – we try another. And if that doesn’t work either – we try another. But it’s not all bad. I ended up  getting af job, where I met my girlfriend – a job I wouldn’t have taken if i got into the military or the police.

Mikkel celebrating his 1st place in the Danish National championship.

Now that you have your device, what has changed regarding:

A) Your work
I’ve always wanted to be a soldier and go into special forces. But when they found my heart condition, that door closed. I then thought that maybe I could get into the police academy. But when I got my ICD, that door closed too. It has taken a lot of acceptance and self-belief (and a couple of years to gain these), but I finally found a career path that I really enjoy being a schoolteacher.

B) Sport
I do Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, which is quite a physical sport. When i first got my ICD i didn’t think I would be able to do it anymore. But then I found Vital Beat, which has made me able to not only go to practice, but also compete!

C) Daily activities
My day-to-day life hasn’t actually changed that much. I may make some unconscious decisions here and there, but i really couldn’t tell you. I get to do my sport, I go to the gym, I go to work. I hands down forget it’s (RED. ICD) there sometimes. The biggest thing I’ve done to take my ICD into consideration, is that when I bought a new phone, which wasn’t an iPhone, because I read somewhere that the macsafe wasn’t safe for people with an ICD.

D) Social life/network
Since I got my device from a near death experience, I’ve realized that life is a lot more fragile, than I previously thought. I’ve therefore gotten a lot more selective about how and with whom I want to spend my time. Luckily i also have some great friends who, even though we don’t see each other all that often, I can count on them. They also get me to do things which I thought I didn’t want to do but ended up being quite fun.

You are a customer of Vital Beat. How did you find us?

I found Vital Beat because I didn’t want to stop doing Jiu Jitsu. I thought that there had to be a way that I could do it. I can’t remember the exact search input i made, but i ended up on the -website, which I am very happy that i did.

What do you use the Vital Beat Protection for?

I use the Vital Beat protection for my Jiu Jitsu practices and competitions.

Has using the protection shield helped you?  In what way?

It has helped me to actually be able to do Jiu Jitsu

Would you like to pass on any tips or advice to other device carriers?

Especially to the younger people who get a device: it's not the end of the world. Granted it
takes some adjustment, but everything will work out. As my dad has always said to me
growing up: there isn't anything that is so bad that it isn't good for something.

Any other comments?

Thanks for the great products!

European research mentions possible benefits of wearing device protection

In 2021 Vital Beat supplied products for research on Pacemaker and ICD Protection. This research was led by a sports cardiologist from the Czech republic.

In the paper that has been published following the research, it is mentioned how especially contact sports put the pacemaker and ICD wearer at risk of possible damage to the skin surrounding the device. As a possible solution to damage by impact, protection wear is mentioned. On top of that, the paper points out how American guidelines recommend considering the use of protective clothing when participating in contact sports.

If you wish to read the paper yourself you can find the original paper in Czech here.
A translated English version can be found here.

Disclaimer: The Czech text has been translated to English using Google Translate. Any descrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding. Vital Beat will not be held responsible for any incorrect or inaccurare translation that may result from using Google translate.

Customer story: Agnes

Customer story from Agnes

I have been wearing the Vital Beat shirt and shield since 2019, and I am very satisfied with it. My pacemaker keeps pushing outwards, causing it to lie very close under the skin. A year after my first pacemaker, I got a renewal due to problems with the pacemaker. They immediately made the pocket a little deeper during this procedure, but unfortunately this did not help. After six months, the pacemaker pushed itself out again. This makes the skin around my pacemaker irritated very quickly, especially when using a car seatbelt. In daily life I am a courier at DHL and I spend a lot of time on the road.

Trying to find a solution: from sponge to special pillow

I have tried everything to alleviate this irritation. From a soft cloth between the belt and my body, to a sponge and such a special belt cushion. It worked a bit, but this was still problematic every time getting in and out. Of course, I wanted to keep wearing my belt safely. I struggled with this for about two years.

Vital Beat’s giveaway

After those two years I read a piece about a shirt with a shield, in retrospect this was probably from Vital Beat. I had a bit of a hard time seeing the perks of this product, isn’t that uncomfortable and that thing is way too hard, isn’t it? And how does one wash it, that’s going to break right? Not much later, with this article still in my mind, I saw a giveaway from Vital Beat on the website of the Dutch Heart Foundation. I didn’t hesitate for a moment to participate; this would be a great opportunity to try it out anyway. I wrote a piece explaining why I should win. Interestingly enough, there were even other people who said that if they would win, they would give their prize to me. But surely enough, I won!

Some minor adjustments

After a few days I received the shirt neatly packaged, after which I immediately started wearing it. I was not completely satisfied right away. I did have protection against the car seatbelt, but when I bent down or carried a package, the shield always hit my neck. Vital Beat contacted me after a while about the satisfaction, to which I replied with my experiences. No problem, they said, we’ll just adjust the pocket so that the shield fits better. I took a picture of how the shield would fit better and after a short time the renewed shirt came back. Perfect!

My experiences with Vital Beat

After two years of regular wear, I am still very satisfied and also share this with my fellow device carriers if they have problems with sports or work. I just wear the shirt under my other clothes and wash it by hand so that I can enjoy it for a long time. I would really recommend the product to everyone. The shield is large enough for protection if you would, for example, play ball sports. The impact would then be distributed over the shield and not directly hit your pacemaker or ICD. The shirt is made of a wonderfully fitting fabric that allows sweat to pass through and dries quickly after washing. Because it changed a lot in my work, my life is a lot nicer! Driving my car is my hobby after all.

Customer Story: Margo

In the segment Customer Story we will share the experiences and stories of our customers. This blog is about Margo, an ICD carrier with a passion for riding her bike. We asked her a few questions.

How long have you been a device carrier?

I have been the proud owner of an ICD since November 2018, after having 7 cardiac arrests out of nowhere. On examination, it appeared that I have idiopathic ventricular fibrillation. This is a genetic heart defect consisting of life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias that can result in cardiac arrest.

How did getting the device affect your life?

Before I got it I had never heard of an ICD, but of course I had no other choice. In the beginning I had to get used to it and it was a daily thought in my head. Fortunately, I have now been able to find peace with the situation.

Has much changed since you got your ICD?

Because of covid-19 I came to work from home full-time. This turned out to be a perfect situation for me, and I hope that I can continue to work from home. The company I work for has moved and that means I have to drive considerably more miles. This means extra time spent in the car and I find that a pretty scary thing. Imagine if the ICD has to do its job during a car ride…I don’t want to think about it!

In terms of daily activities, it took some getting used to at first, but luckily I’m used to it now. I no longer think about having an ICD every day. Fortunately, the device hasn’t had to intervene yet, but I find the thought quite daunting. What do you feel? What can you expect? Will you be conscious again soon?

I also founded a Facebook group with fellow carriers of the DPP6-gen. Here we exchange information and tips and we can support each other. To stay fit, I try to walk every day during my lunch break. I use the ‘detours app’, or in Dutch: Ommetje (Click here to view the app).

How did you find Vital Beat?

I had already read some positive reports about the Vital Beat shirt and shield and a fellow carrier drew my attention to the convenience of the shirt with protection. I use my protective shirt for motorcycle riding. After the rehabilitation process, I was able to pick up my life again.
Riding a motorcycle is one of the things that goes with it. The fear was there anyway, and because of that fear I couldn’t enjoy it as much as I used to. That is why I went looking for a protection that protects my ICD in the event of a fall.

What would you like to pass on to other device carriers?

Seize the day. Enjoy everything. It could be over before you know it!

Customer Story: Thomas

In the segment Customer Story we will share the experiences and stories of our customers. Our second blog is about Thomas, a 60-year old Paramedic from Sweden. He received his pacemaker in January of 2021.

How long have you had a pacemaker?

I got my pacemaker the 14th of January, so it it’s a little over two months now.

Was it something that you expected to happen?

I live quite an active life and I train almost daily. I have had some medical issues that increased over time. I got palpitations first, from October/November when I was active, like chest pressure and being short of breath. But I thought it was natural from becoming older – I’m 60 years old now. In the beginning of January however, it was really bad so I took an ECG on myself at work. It turned out I had some bad arrhythmias, so I went to the emergency room and two days later I got my pacemaker. Since it all happened very fast, I didn’t know that I had that problem and that I would need a pacemaker.

Did getting the device affect your life?

I feel much better now. My medical issues, like the chest pressure and the episodes of shortness of breath, have disappeared. Therefore I feel more alert and fit now. On the operation table when they connected the leads to the pacemaker, I felt the change immediately. 

What’s the feeling that you get when they attach the battery to you?

Well, I had palpitations for many years. It became natural for me and didn’t think of it. When I looked at my ECG it was episodes of 50% blocked heart beats.
I was running the day before, and when my body needed 150 beats per minute uphill, it got only 75. That explains the chest pressure. This immediately disappeared when they connected the pacemaker.

Did you feel any restrictions when you got your pacemaker?

They gave me restrictions that during the first to two weeks up to two months, I wasn’t allowed to raise my left arm above my shoulder. But I also got some stretching exercises to do from day one to prevent a frozen shoulder. The first days I was a little bit sore at the scar, but that only lasted for two or three days. I took some normal painkillers and soon I could do the stretching exercises again. On day three I took a slow run on the treadmill. And after a week I started with light weight exercises. After two weeks I was back at my work as a paramedic. I have had a very easy journey.

There are definitely people that have had a much worse experience and it has taken them like half a year or so to recover from it.
It was an easy journey for me, but we are all the different and it’s important to listen to your body. Some have other medical issues which impacts their rehabilitation.

Since you’re a paramedic, do you drive the ambulance?

We, me and my co-worker, alternate. With one patient I am driving, the next I take care of.

When you drive, does the seatbelt in any way affect your pacemaker site?

It feels bad, and that was a concern I had. Because pressure on the pacemaker area is very uncomfortable and the seatbelt can be painful. We have quite heavy backpacks with medical equipment as well. And first I bought a padded goalie shirt, the kind ice hockey goalies have. It didn’t work because it was clumsy and very warm. And then I found out about Vital Beat and bought the shirt from you. It is doing its job very well. I am wearing my Vital Beat protection when I work so I can wear the heavy backpacks and it makes me feel safer from accidental impact.

What products do you have, and are those enough for you to feel more comfortable?

At first I wore the sports shield too, currently I am just using the standard shield. I have no issues with the pacemaker area right now, because of wearing Vital Beat when I work or when I do activities. I like the outdoor life, being in beautiful scenery and wilderness –doing different activities there. Mostly running, trail-running with backpack. But also hiking, snowshoes, skiing and kayaking. To be prepared for my job I do some weight training too. So, when there is something that creates pressure on the pacemaker area or there can be an accidental impact,I have Vital Beat protection.

How did you find Vital Beat?

There’s a Facebook group called the Pacemaker Support Group, so I found out about Vital Beat and your product there. I told them about my ice hockey game goalkeeper protection and there was a woman in the U.S. that told me about Vital Beat. I then Googled about you and found it. It’s like an extra skin with protection. It’s very good and I’m very satisfied with it.

Have you told other people about us?

Yes, I’ve told other pacemaker wearers which I met through my work. I’ve also told the pacemaker technicians and they hadn’t heard about Vital Beat. They became very interested.

Is there any advice you would like to give to other device carriers?

The pacemaker gives most of us a better life, therefore it is a very good friend. The pacemaker in itself doesn’t have a negative influence on your life. You can live your life as before receiving a device. If you don’t have any other medical issues, you can live a fully active lifestyle with a pacemaker. I was concerned in the beginning about how should protect the implant area. As a pacemaker carrier you don’t have to think about the sensitivity of the area, the discomfort from pressure or accidental impact because there are good products on the market. Vital Beat is one of them.

Do you have any feedback for us about the product or anything?

As I said, I’m very satisfied with your product. It does its work very well. I can live like before I got my pacemaker, and the pacemaker has helped me with my medical issues. I have a better cardio performance now, because the pacemaker fixed the bad heart rhythm.

Customer Story 1: Gerda

Customer Story: Gerda

Customer story: Gerda

In the segment Customer Story we will share the experiences and stories of our customers. This first blog is about Gerda, a 58-year old working mom of two grown up daughters and carrier of an CRT-D. Nowadays she is committed to helping other women who also had a heart attack. We asked her a few questions.

How long have you been a device carrier?

I have had my CRT-D since January 2019 after having a heart attack in 2013 and another one in 2017.

In what way did receiving the CRT-D have an influence on your life?

The moment my cardiologist told me that due to changed standards I was eligible for an ICD, back in fall 2018, I was already focused on AED’s (automated external defibrillators) and knew exactly where to find them. The knowledge that I could have a arrhythmia that could possibly make my heart stop really hit me hard.

The night before receiving my ICD I was told that a third wire would be added to ensure the damaged part of my heart would move correctly in time with the other side. I really had no time to think about the news and let it sink in.

Customer story Gerda

Did much change now that you have the CRT-D?

The positive thing about my CRT-D is of course that my heart rhythm and heart function have improved. It did take some awareness that I have something in my body that supports my heart. I sometimes joke around with the term ‘bionic woman’ since I literally can’t just ‘drop dead’. Mortality in general really was a theme that I become more conscious of.

In the beginning I of course couldn’t drive my car and I was limited in my movements due to the healing of the wound. Now I’m still a bit limited since the device is located on my left chest muscle.

We are speaking to you as you are a customer of Vital Beat. How did you find us?

I met Hilke (owner of Vital Beat) at a meeting where we were both present as entrepreneurs. When she told me about what Vital Beat did I was very intrigued. I love hiking, but wearing a backpack was quite uncomfortable because of my device. I had made some make-shift solutions in the past, for example with a small towel, but nothing really worked. The materials Vital Beat uses are a way better solution.

What would you like to say to other device carriers?

If you are anxious to do what you would normally love to do, Vital Beat offers a really nice solution. Mainly regarding safety for example for mountain bikers and cyclists when they fall, but also regarding comfort like in my case with a backpack. This will enable you to do what you always liked to do and you won’t have to let your device limit you.

Gerda turned her experiences into a career. Through her coaching company she helps women who just like her suffered from a heart attack. Want to read more or get in contact with Gerda? Check out (Dutch spoken only)

Traveling with a medical device

Traveling with a medical device

Traveling with a medical device

Summer holidays are coming up, so we can imagine you might have some questions and concerns on traveling with a medical device. Especially when this is your first holiday since receiving your pacemaker, ICD, S-ICD or other device. In this blogpost we will hopefully answer all the questions you might have. If there is anything we haven’t touched on, don’t hesitate to let us know. Leave a comment or send us a message on our socials.

Preparation and important documents to bring along

Whether you’re going on a daytrip, a long weekend or a trip that takes multiple weeks, always make sure to carry a medical device ID card. This card contains all information about you, your device and your hospital.

Another useful item to bring is a card that explains about your pacemaker, ICD or S-ICD in the language of the country you’re traveling to. You can make this yourself by using google translate or asking someone you know to help you translate.

If you use medication you can ask your doctor or pharmacist for a list of all the medicines that have been prescribed to you. This list can serve as proof that you need them. You can find the specific rules on medication in your carry-on luggage on the website of your airline.

Lastly, many modern smartphones have the option to program ICE phone numbers. ICE stands for In Case of Emergency, and it enables other people to use your phone to make emergency calls when your screen is locked.  Click here to see how this is done on an Android phone, or click here to learn how to set ICE contacts on an iPhone.

At the airport; detection gates

Contrary to what some people believe, the detection gates at airports will not harm your medical device in any way. The scanner will be able to show your pacemaker or other device, but it won’t have a negative influence on it. Make sure to carry your medical device ID card at all times, the airport security might ask you to show it. You can also choose to let the security staff know about your device before stepping through the gate.

Crowded places and public transport

Another thing to keep in mind is the risk of getting a bag or elbow to your pacemaker, ICD or S-ICD when traveling on the subway or attending popular festivities. While we can recommend you to travel outside of rush hour, you can’t always avoid crowded places. In these cases you can use protection for your medical device. These products are designed give you peace of mind and protect you from any possible pain and discomfort during your travels. Click here to check out our range of protection products.

Be realistic

Being a heart patient, you might not be able to do everything your company is planning on doing. Don’t dwell on the things you won’t be able to do. Instead, explore new activities that are both fun and responsible to do. Also keep in mind that you might need a break a few times throughout your holiday. Holidays are meant for relaxing, so don’t see this as a bad thing.

Talk to your doctor about your travel plans

Everyone is different, which makes it difficult to supply the correct information for each person’s specific situation. We advise you to talk to your doctor about your personal travel plans. They can advise you on traveling with a medical device without any trouble.


So in short, make sure to bring along:

  • A medical ID card
  • A card that explains your condition in the language of the country you are traveling to
  • A list of all the medication that has been prescribed to you
  • Set phone numbers in your ICE contacts

And keep in mind:

  • Be realistic of what you can and can not do
  • Be prepared to explain about your device at the airport
  • Talk to your doctor about your specific travel plans
  • Look at the possibilities of protective wear if you are planning on visiting crowded places.


The team at Vital Beat wishes you a great holiday!


Vital Beat offers special protection wear for you and your device. You can read more about these products by clicking the button below.

Learn more

What is an S-ICD?

What is an S-ICD? 

What is an S-ICD?


An S-ICD (subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator) is a small device that is implanted underneath the skin to help keep track of- and control your heartbeat. The difference with a standard ICD is that an S-ICD does not have the standard pacemaker function. It is implanted on the side of the chest on top of your ribs rather than under your collarbone. Besides that, the wires are under the skin instead of through the veins. This will keep your blood vessels and heart untouched and intact. Since the wires aren’t connected directly to the heart the electric pulse from an S-ICD does have to be quite a bit stronger. Because of this the box and battery of an the device are slightly bigger than those of a traditional ICD. 


When will you receive an S-ICD?

  • When you have a high risk of cardiac arrest. 


Read more:

What is a pacemaker?

What is an ICD?


Vital Beat offers special comfort and protection wear for you and your device. You can read more about these products by clicking the button below. 

Learn more

What is the difference between a pacemaker and an ICD?

What is the difference between a pacemaker and an ICD?

What is the difference between a pacemaker and an ICD?


A pacemaker and an ICD look the same and both contain a small chip that tracks your heart rhythm. The main difference is that an ICD can send out an electric shock when your heart beats too much out of its normal rhythm. An ICD can use its defibrillation function to save your life in case of a life threatening abnormality.


Read more:

What is a pacemaker?

What is an ICD?


Vital Beat offers special protection wear for you and your device. You can read more about these products by clicking the button below. 

Learn more about Vital Beat pacemaker comfort and protection

Learn more about Vital Beat ICD comfort and protection


What is an ICD?

What is an ICD?

What is an ICD?

An ICD (implantable cardioverter defibrillator) is a small device that is implanted underneath the skin to help keep track of- and control your heartbeat. The difference with a pacemaker is that an ICD can intervene in case of a life threatening heart rhythm abnormality. The ICD consists of a small box and one or two wires. In the metal box there is a small chip and a battery that powers the device and has a life span of many years. 


When will you receive an ICD?

  • In case of a life threatening heart rhythm disorder such as ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. 
  • When you have a high risk of a heart rhythm disorder or cardiac arrest. 
  • When medicines for your heart rhythm disorder don’t work or surgery isn’t possible. 



During surgery a small incision, approximately 5 cm or 2 inches long, is made on your chest underneath your collarbone. In general the device is placed under your left collarbone, but a surgeon might choose to place it under your right collarbone or elsewehere. The pacemaker is implanted at this location underneath the skin and the wires are led through a vein to the heart. Small electric pulses, that you won’t be able to feel, are sent through the wire to your heart when needed.



Like an ICD, a CRT-defibrillator is designed to intervene in case of a life threatening heart rhythm abnormality. Other than a normal ICD, a CRT-D has three wires instead of one or two and sends small electric pulses to your left and right ventricles to help your heart pump more efficiently. 


Read more:

What is a pacemaker?

What is the difference between a pacemaker and an ICD?


Vital Beat offers special protection wear for you and your device. You can read more about these products by clicking the button below. 

ICD comfort and protection